At our December 09, 2024 Meeting, Marty introduced Phil Cohen from Anacortes Food Coop.
Phil discussed the challenges faced when moving onto a property with incomplete construction left by the previous owners. This situation delayed his transfer from two to almost eleven months, resulting in significant product loss due to expiration. The property had issues with unpermitted pavement and other construction tasks that required permits, which the new owner had to address.
Phil, with a background in small government civil engineering, helped expedite the permit process, but it still took ten months to resolve. He mentioned the lack of ventilation and parking issues at his previous location, which hindered impulse shoppers.
Phil also shared information about his contributors and the high quality of local food. He expressed gratitude for being in an area with fresh produce and discussed his efforts to build a clientele. The presentation concluded with discussing the co-op in Anacortes and its contributions to the community.

Rotary International Convention - Calgary
Karen introduced Sean Hogan, our guest speaker for the evening.
Sean Hogan joined Rotary on his 27th birthday and he's been active in the club,
district, and international levels of Rotary, including serving as district Governor in 2012-13. Rotary has enriched Sean and his family, giving them friends, opportunities, and experiences around the world. Sean is a lawyer, and people like him anyway.

Sean expressed his excitement about traveling and visiting Rotary clubs again, emphasizing the importance of fellowship and friendship within Rotary. He introduced the upcoming Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in June 2025, highlighting it as a unique opportunity for Rotarians to experience the global impact of Rotary.
Sean encouraged every Rotarian to attend at least one international convention to see the power of the organization and meet people from around the world. He shared his personal experiences attending conventions in various countries and described the diverse and friendly atmosphere.
Sean provided details on the convention, including registration, pricing, and housing options. He mentioned the House of Friendship, where attendees can explore Rotary projects, buy and sell items, and enjoy entertainment. The opening plenary session on Sunday and the closing session on Saturday were highlighted as key events featuring notable speakers and performers.
Overall, Sean emphasized the value of attending the convention for networking, learning, and experiencing Rotary on a global scale.
Sean recommended staying until Thursday after the Rotary International Convention in Calgary to fully enjoy the closing plenary on Wednesday afternoon and the local district get-together on Wednesday night. He highlighted Calgary as a great host city, known for its hospitality and events such as the Calgary Stampede.
Sean detailed various events organized by the Host Organizing Committee, including the grandstand spectacle on Saturday, the rock in the big tent event, and the indigenous celebration on Sunday. He also mentioned the host hospitality event and the beyond borders zone event on Monday night, as well as the Western Ranch showcase on Tuesday.
Sean encouraged attendees to interact with Rotarians from around the world, and shared personal experiences of meeting interesting people at past conventions. He emphasized the value of attending breakout sessions on various topics, and the opportunity to connect with fellow Rotarians.
Several attendees shared their positive experiences at previous Rotary conventions, highlighting the international flavor, networking opportunities, and the sense of community within Rotary. Sean concluded by encouraging everyone to consider attending the convention in Calgary.

Very enlightening and educational program! Everyone was very engaged and had some great questions.
Farmers and Merchants Night has been scheduled on March 3rd. Doug Moore is looking for speaker suggestions. Think about who might be a great speaker for our Farmers and Merchants Night, and let Doug know.
Dennis and Connie Milliken were awarded their Paul Harris Fellow +8 pins, which is a significant recognition. Audrey expressed excitement about pinning them, and acknowledged their generous contributions to the foundation.

We received a thank you card from Campfire Camp Kirby:
"Dear La Conner Rotary members,
Thank you for your donation to help us purchase climbing wall equipment for Camp Kirby. The climbing wall is one of our most popular activities. No kidding—you can rope up and climb! This equipment will help us ensure the safety of all our campers.
Thank you for your longstanding support of Camp Kirby and for all the great work you do in our communities. We are thankful for you.
Sincerely, Maris Rose Camp, Executive Director"
Sincerely, Maris Rose Camp, Executive Director"
The email from Marty, Dec. 8, with the subject Nominations for 2025-26 was displayed on the screen. No additional candidates came forward.
The email was the third announcement of officers, directors, and chairs for our Rotary year 2025-26. Club board: President: Marty President elect: Lori Vice president: John Past president: Audrey Treasurer: Don Secretary: Connie Club service director: Karen Community service director: Patsy Youth service director: Adam Vocation/literacy service director: Doug International service director: Danielle |
Keith made a motion to elect all the candidates. Adam seconded. No objections, all ayes. The motion carried.