At our July 10 meeting, President Connie passed out the 2023/2024 Goals to the members.  She asked that each table discuss the page of goals they were given and share thoughts with the larger members in 30 minutes.  (See Read More for document). 
President Connie collected the sheets back from the tables with comments that she will summarize.  Some of the highlights were:     
  1. For International, encourage members while traveling to visit local Rotary Clubs – get credit as a make up meeting but more important to meet and share with Rotarians around the world
  2. Continue Rotaract and Interact and identify “host” members when families are visiting in the area.
  3. Website will be updated 1-2 times a week, so share pictures/stories etc. with Keith
  4. Looking to write (4) stories per year about the Rotary Club good as publicizing and attracting new members with similar passions.
  5. Work on additional promotional materials
  6. As a part of Literacy & Education, how we better publicize what we do with Dolly Pardon Imagination Library project
  7. More focus on Vocational Interests / Rotary Fellowship activities
  8. As a part of Social Activity – partner with the sports teams in the area as a way to get to know students and their parents
  9. Connect with local businesses – Get them involved as speakers.  Listen and find ways to get guest involved, additional membership opportunities.


Members and Engagement
How many total members does our club want by the end of the Rotary year? We now have 28.
Service Participation:
How many members will participate in club service activities during the Rotary year?
New Member Sponsorship:
How many members will sponsor a new club member during the Rotary year?
Rotary Action Group Participation:
How many club members will be members of at least one Rotary Action Group (RAG) during the Rotary year?
Leadership Development Participation:
How many members will participate in leadership development programs or activities during the Rotary year?
District Conference Attendance:
How many members will attend our district conference?
Rotary Fellowship Participation:
How many club members will be members of a Rotary Fellowship during the Rotary year?
District Training Participation:
How many of our club's committee chairs will attend the district training assembly?
Review and Consider Updating our Club Bylaws:
Does our club bylaws reflect our members and other participants’ needs?
Rotary Foundation Giving
Annual Fund Contributions
How much money (USD) will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund by our club and its members during the Rotary year?
PolioPlus Fund Contributions
How much money (USD) will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus Fund by our club and its members during the Rotary year?
Major Gifts
How many single outright donations of US$10,000 or more will be made by individuals associated with our club during the Rotary year?
Bequest Society Members
During the Rotary year, how many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their plans to leave US$10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation through their estate?
During the Rotary year, how many individuals or couples will inform The Rotary Foundation of their estate plans to include the Endowment Fund as a beneficiary or will make an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment Fund?
Service Projects
How many service projects will our club complete during the Rotary year? To track and report project details, such as contributions and volunteer hours, select Service Activities in the main menu.
Young Leaders
Rotaract Clubs
How many new and existing Rotaract clubs will our club sponsor during the Rotary year?
Interact Clubs
How many new and existing Interact clubs will our club sponsor during the Rotary year?
Inbound Youth Exchange Students
How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will our club host during the Rotary year?
Outbound Youth Exchange Students
How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will our club sponsor during the Rotary year?
RYLA Participation
How many individuals will our club sponsor to participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) events during the Rotary year?
Public Image
Strategic Plan
Does our club have an up-to-date strategic plan?
Social Activities
How many social activities will our club hold outside of regular meetings during the Rotary year?
Update Website and Social Media
During the Rotary year, how many times per month will our club's website and social media accounts be updated to reflect current activities and information of interest to the public?​
Media Stories About Club Projects
How many media stories will cover our club's projects during the Rotary year?
Use of Official Rotary Promotional Materials
Did our club use Rotary International’s promotional, advertising and public service materials (videos, social media graphics, digital banners, etc.) available in the Brand Center, to post/share content to promote Rotary in our community throughout the Rotary year?​