Dennis Milliken provided the inspiration –  Since we are in the SPARC gift-giving time of year, Dennis shared a lovely story of a father talking to his son.  One day, the father told his son, that he watched a woman collapse on the subway.  I summoned an ambulance, I was Santa.  Now it is your turn to be a Santa.  Never tell the truth about Santa until a person is ready, and look for every opportunity to help people.
Marty shared that the YES (Youth Engaged in Service) program is going very well. We have 10 students, and our sponsored student is from Burlington, Alexia Reed.  She is a Junior, her family is divorced, and she is very excited for the opportunity to travel and do the YES project.  They will be traveling to the village of Copan with IPA (International Project Alliance), working on a new kindergarten with electricity, and building a playground at the end of June.  They are hosting dinner at the Brick to practice leadership and fundraising.
John Milnor shared where we are with SPARC (Skagit Preschool and Resource Center) gifts and shopped for the fathers to provide food baskets and gift cards.