Our Oct. 2nd presenter Marketa Vorel with Sunflower F.U.N.D. and her assistant Trish.
Marketa grew up in Czechoslovakia and had experienced firsthand Russian occupancy. She with her family successfully escaped and ended up in the United States. Because of her history, the war in Ukraine means a lot to her and she wants to help at a grassroots level. She visited earlier this year and made firm connections with four organizations she wants to support that are offering assistance to Ukrainian citizens at the front lines.
  1. Her first priority is to support Path Home for Women and Children shelter in Odessa.
  2. The second is evacuation teams rescuing people from the war zones.
  3. The third is Army Aid Foundation which offers aid to the front line soldiers.
  4. Lastly the war crimes investigation unit, particularly investigating Russia.
Her presentation was very moving with pictures, people's stories, and the perseverance of the Ukrainian people.